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Passionate About Helping Others

Hello, I'm Caroline and I specialize in helping busy people reach their exercise goals, whether it’s a couch-to-5K or an Ironman.  I’m passionate about being active and helping people work movement into their lives, even when they are time poor and are juggling work, kids, social life and battling various health issues.

My personal health journey and experience in endurance racing has provided me with a keen insight into the extent of what the body is truly capable of and how to nourish it under the most diverse circumstances.  I was never the sporty kid and always struggled with digestive problems that my GP just could not help with.  As a result I discovered the healing power of food which led me to retrain in nutrition.  I have gone on to accomplish things in later life that I never would have dreamed possible and now have the privilege of being able to help others overcome their own obstacles and reach their goals.  I also know what it’s like to reach that time in your life when everything becomes harder, and how to adjust to hormonal and changes that come about with aging.

I am an experienced nutritional therapist, a member of the British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT) and registered with the Complementary & Healthcare Council (CNHC).  I will show you why your current diet and lifestyle choices are impacting your progress, and guide you through making changes at a pace that suits you, with quick easy wins.  Let me help you make the best choices that you can easily fit into your already busy life, giving you the energy you never knew you had.  If I can do it, so can you!

Caroline MacGregor

Registered Nutritional Therapist DipBCNH mBANT mNTC mCNHC

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